Warp Drive

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nintendo Rhapsody (World 1: Far From Home)

Nintendo Rhapsody is an ongoing story about how Nintendo, and video games in general, helped me through some of the harder times in my life. Each chapter, known as a 'world' in Nintendo Rhapsody, is rather self contained with introductions and conclusions.

World 1-1: Magic Carpet Ride

When I was eight years of age, I lived away from home for a few months in East Los Angeles at a facility known simply as The Diagnostic School. It was a wretched experience. I slept in a dormitory-style bedroom with other children like myself. All the while being monitored from just outside by a member of their staff. My medication was also closely monitored. Various drugs and dosages therein were administered. At one point, a patch was applied to my back. If a child was especially naughty, they would lock them in a padded room devoid of light, until they were willing to cooperate. Needless to say, I was quite the school trouble maker to have found myself in a place like that. By day, I attended classes per usual and ate what everyone else ate from the cafeteria. I grew to loathe cafeteria food.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Farewell, Satoru Iwata

I, like many others, was shocked to learn of Satoru Iwata's sudden death. Yet another tragic victim of cancer. He was Nintendo​'s chief executive officer. But he was so much more to the fans; more than a mere businessman. He himself was a gamer. He touched so many with his Iwata Asks and Nintendo Direct initiatives.

IGN's tribute illustrates the man far better than I can put into words...

IGN's A Farewell Tribute to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata